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Declaring a Major/Minor in Statistics
Any student who is sufficiently prepared for one of the majors (BS or BA) is welcome to declare. No application is required. If you would like to declare a Statistics major, you should follow the steps below, expanding each for additional details and resources.
EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 6, 2023: Our minors (Statistics and Data Analytics) currently require an application to declare, and no minor declarations will be processed during advising hours at this time. Details regarding the application are available on the minor application information page.
1. Review the declaration prerequisites of the major or minor that you plan to declare to ensure that you have finished them.
The declaration prerequisites are listed on each major/minor page: BA, BS, Data Analytics minor, Statistics minor.
A declaration prerequisite is considered finished when you have a grade that is a C- or higher.
Note that the two majors have similar (but not identical) declaration prerequisites. If you are seriously considering the BS but have not yet decided between the majors, we recommend that you use the BS declaration prerequisite list. All of the BS declaration prerequisite courses can be used toward the BA, but not the other direction.
If you are a third- or fourth-year and you have not yet finished the major declaration prerequisites, you can declare the major with intent (instead of deferring). To declare the major with intent, you will follow all of the following steps. Once you have declared the major with intent, you will be considered officially declared by both the College and SIS. Within the department, your progress through the remaining declaration prerequisites will be reviewed each semester. Once you have completed all of the declaration prerequisites, you will be fully declared. Note that rising third-years can begin declaring the major with intent during final exams of their fourth semester.
2. Review the major/minor requirements to develop an approximate schedule for taking the courses that you still need to finish the major/minor.
The program requirements are listed on each major/minor page: BA, BS, Data Analytics minor, Statistics minor.
Note that the expected frequency of offering each courses is listed for each course on the courses page.
These example plans to complete a major may be useful as you develop your schedule.
3. Plan a time to meet with a major advisor during their advising hours.
Please see the schedule of advising hours. To meet with a major advisor, send an email to that major advisor at least 24 hours in advance for information about how to attend their advising hours. The major advisor may send you additional instructions to prepare for the meeting.
4. Before attending advising hours, fill out the Declaration of Major/Minor form but DO NOT FINISH IT.
Both pages of the DocuSign declaration form should filled out following the instructions and examples below. Do NOT click the "Finish" button on the second page.
The "Finish Later" button at the top right of the second page will save your form. Note that DocuSign does time out after around an hour and your information will be lost if you have not saved it using the "Finish Later" button.
Complete page one using THIS EXAMPLE AND the steps below.
- Fill your name and email address into the Student section.
- Fill the name and email address of the major advisor you will meet into the Declaration of Major/Minor SIGNATORY section.
- Click the "Begin Signing" button to move to the second page.
Complete page two using THESE EXAMPLES AND the steps below.
- Fill your personal information and graduation year into the top section.
- Fill the name of the major (BA in Applied Statistics -OR- BS in Statistics) or minor (Statistics -OR- Data Analytics) that you are declaring into the Intended Major/Minor box. If you are declaring the BA with a concentration, also list the concentration name.
- Click the appropriate box(es).
- Note that if you plan to double major, you should only check the box indicating that this is your second major if your other major is already displaying in SIS.
- Fill in the number and name of all courses that will fulfill the program requirements along with either when you took them or when you plan to take them into the table.
- Only list declaration prerequisites IF they are also core courses.
- DO include all core courses and restricted electives, including courses that you have already taken and courses for which you have test or transfer credit.
- You need to list specific courses for the restricted electives, but you are NOT required to take the specific courses listed if your plan changes.
- If you are declaring the BA, you should have 10-11 courses listed.
- If you are declaring the BS, you should have 12 courses listed and attach a list of the remaining 3 (at the bottom of the page).
- If you are declaring either minor, you should have 5-6 courses listed.
- Attach your unofficial transcript at the bottom of the page.
5. Attend advising hours to review your form with the major advisor and ask any questions.
While you're meeting with the major advisor, they will first review your declaration prerequisites and your plan for completing the major. You will then click the "Finish" button and the major advisor will sign it (this may occur during or after your meeting).
You are welcome to ask any questions that you may have at any point during the meeting.
7. Watch for the major/minor to be displayed in SIS.
Once the Registrar reviews and approves your form, your major/minor will be displayed in SIS. Congratulations, you are now a Statistics major/minor!
Note that if you are declaring during enrollment, you will need to remove and re-add any major/minor restricted courses from your shopping cart once the major/minor is displayed in SIS.
Deferring a Major
Instead of deferrals, the Statistics Department uses declaration with intent. Please expand step 1 above for more details.