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Minor Application Information

Ideally, the Statistics Department would accept all students interested in our minor programs. At this time, however, we are unable to accommodate the large number of students interested in our minor programs. When we declare a student into any of our major or minor programs, we make a commitment to the student that there will be course capacity for them to complete their program. As the Statistics Department experienced last semester during Spring 2024 course enrollment, our ability to meet this commitment has changed. As such, we have had to prioritize our commitments to our current majors and minors and make the difficult decision to reduce the number of new minors moving forward. We cannot currently, in good faith, make unrestricted commitments to new minors.

We understand that our policies defining student eligibility for the lottery selection into the minor program (listed below) may feel exclusionary to third-year students, but our current course capacities, teaching resources, and anticipated needs of our current majors and minors mean that there will not be enough space in our courses to ensure that third-years with more than one course per semester left to meet the requirements of the minor program will be able to complete the minor program. Please understand that we did not reach this decision lightly and wish that we had enough resources and course capacities to accommodate everyone. 

You are welcome to join our courses should space be available when the major/minor hold is lifted (please see the Enrollment FAQ page for specific dates). We are also not removing the possibility that, should you be able to complete the required coursework for the minor as a non-minor student by the time you graduate, you will be able to declare the minor. We do ask, however, that you not structure your fourth-year plans around being able to declare the minor as we will be prioritizing current majors and minors in all of our course enrollment decisions. 



Applications for the Spring 2024 cycle are now closed.



There are two application cycles each year, one following the fall semester and one following the spring semester.

Spring 2024 cycle dates:
Applications will open on May 13, 2024, and be accepted through May 31, 2024. Students will be notified of the decision by June 14, 2024. Selected students will submit the declaration form for processing through July 31, 2024.

Fall 2024 cycle dates:
Will be announced by October 11, 2024.



To be eligible for the lottery selection, a student must meet all of the following requirements before submitting their application. All of the below must display on the unofficial transcript submitted with the application.

For all students:

  • A major must already be declared in SIS.
  • All declaration prerequisites must be completed with a grade of at least C-.
  • STAT 3220 must be completed with a grade of at least C-.
  • The cumulative GPA must be at least 3.0, or an extenuating circumstance that has led to a lower cumulative GPA must be explained.


Additionally, for students graduating in Fall 2024, Spring 2025, or Summer 2025:

  • At least 3 of the 5 minor requirements must be completed with a grade of at least C-.
  • Applications will only be considered for the Statistics minor unless a student has already satisfied all of the Data Analytics minor requirements except the Restricted Elective.
    • If a student who declares the Statistics minor is later able to fulfill all of the Data Analytics minor requirements, a declaration change can be processed, however, enrollment priority will be given based on the current declaration.



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How do I apply?

The application will be an online form linked at the top of this page when available.

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How will applications be reviewed?

All applications will first be reviewed for eligibility. Students selected to declare will be drawn from all eligible applications through a random lottery. The number of students selected to declare in each class year will be determined based on available enrollment capacity in Statistics Department courses.

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Can I reapply during a later cycle if I’m not eligible or not selected to declare in this cycle?


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When can I enroll in courses with a major/minor hold?

If you’re selected to declare, you will be able to enroll once you’ve submitted the declaration form and it is processed by both the Statistics Department and the College Registrar. Please see the Timeline section for the specific dates.

If you’re not eligible or not selected to declare, you can enroll or add yourself to the waitlists when the major/minor hold is lifted. Please see the Enrollment FAQ page for the specific dates.

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I’m a transfer student, which cumulative GPA and unofficial transcript do I include in my application?

Please provide your UVA cumulative GPA and UVA unofficial transcript. You’re welcome to use the optional textbox at the end of the application to provide any information that you’d like about your cumulative GPA at your previous institution(s).