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MS in Statistics +1 Program
Current UVA undergraduates can be considered for the MS in Statistics +1 Program. (Referred to as the MS +1 below.) This program allows students to start the MS in Statistics while still an undergraduate, which in turn makes it easier to complete the MS in one additional year. (That's the +1.) Application for the MS +1 is easy, requiring no standardized test scores, no letters of recommendation, and no application fee.
The MS program requires 30 hours of graded coursework (10 courses) covering the breadth of applied and theoretical statistics, and statistical consulting. In addition, the program also requires passing a computing exam and an oral examination that assesses data-analysis and presentation skills. Details on program requirements can be found on the MS in Statistics page.
Program Prerequisites: All current UVa undergraduates are eligible for consideration. Prerequisites are:
- Calculus 2 (MATH 1220, MATH 1320, or APMA 1110)
- Probability (MATH 3100 or STAT 3110)
- Mathematical Statistics (STAT 3120)
- Linear Algebra (MATH 3350, MATH 3351, APMA 3080, or STAT 3110)
- Programming (CS 1110, CS 1111, CS 1112, CS 1113, STAT 1601, STAT 1602)
- Additional undergraduate statistics courses are recommended, such as STAT 3220, STAT 3080, and STAT 3250. (Those majoring in statistics will fulfill program prerequisites through major requirements, while those minoring may need to take additional courses.)
Early Graduate Courses: While an undergraduate, students pursuing the MS +1 major have the option to take for the MS up to two STAT graduate courses. These courses should fulfill the MS program requirements (see program requirements link below) AND these courses cannot be counted toward your undergraduate degree(s) in any way. If this is possible, then the MS can be completed with one additional year of full-time study.
Taking two graduate courses while an undergraduate is not required. Students who cannot fit in two graduate courses while an undergraduate can still pursue the MS +1. In this case, one can overload (taking a 5th course as needed) or stay for a 3rd semester.
Deadlines: Students interested in the MS +1 should contact the Statistics admission director (email below) as soon as possible, but preferably before the start of the final undergraduate year. This allows for a full year of planning and integrating MS courses into the course schedule, and allows for a formal offer of admission to the MS program to be processed later in the fall semester. However, we can usually work with students that present themselves later in their final undergraduate year, so please feel free to contact the admission director at any time.
Note: The above timeline is for students graduating in spring and starting the MS in fall. Those hoping to start the MS in spring need to plan more carefully, and should contact the admission director as soon as possible.
Getting Started: Email Jeff Holt (jeff@virginia.edu), the Statistics Graduate Admission Director.