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Graduate Courses

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STAT 5000  Introduction to Applied Statistics

Introduces estimation and hypothesis testing in applied statistics, especially the medical sciences. Measurement issues, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, discrete probability distributions (binomial and Poisson), continuous probability distributions (normal, t, chi-square, and F), and one- and two-sample inference, power and sample size calculations, introduction to non-parametric methods, one-way ANOVA and multiple comparisons. Prerequisite: Instructor permission; corequisite: STAT 5980.

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STAT 5120  Applied Linear Models

Linear regression models, inferences in regression analysis, model validation, selection of independent variables, multicollinearity, influential observations, autocorrelation in time series data, polynomial regression, and nonlinear regression. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite:STAT 3120, and either MATH 3351 or APMA 3080

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STAT 5140  Survival Analysis and Reliability Theory

Topics include lifetime distributions, hazard functions, competing-risks, proportional hazards, censored data, accelerated-life models, Kaplan-Meier estimator, stochastic models, renewal processes, and Bayesian methods for lifetime and reliability data analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 3120 or5100, or instructor permission; corequisite: STAT5980.

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STAT 5150  Actuarial Statistics

Covers the main topics required by students preparing for the examinations in Actuarial Statistics, set by the American Society of Actuaries. Topics include life tables, life insurance and annuities, survival distributions, net premiums and premium reserves, multiple life functions and decrement models, valuation of pension plans, insurance models, and benefits and dividends. Prerequisite: MATH 3120 or5100, or instructor permission.

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STAT 5170  Applied Time Series

Studies the basic time series models in both the time domain (ARMA models) and the frequency domain (spectral models), emphasizing application to real data sets. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: STAT 3120

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STAT 5180  Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

This course covers the main designs and estimation techniques used in sample surveys: simple random sampling, stratification, cluster sampling, double sampling, post-stratification, ratio estimation, and non response and other non sampling errors. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using R statistical software. Prerequisites: STAT 3120.

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STAT 5265  Investment Science I

The course will cover a broad range of topics, with the overall theme being the quantitative modeling of asset allocation and portfolio theory. It begins with deterministic cash flows (interest theory, fixed-income securities), the modeling of interest rates (term structure of interest rates), stochastic cash flows, mean-variance portfolio theory, capital asset pricing model, and the utility theory basis for financial modeling. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using Matlab or R statistical software. Prerequisite: MATH 3100.

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STAT 5266  Investment Science II

This course is a follow-up to Investment Science I (Stat5265). It begins with models for derivative securities, including asset dynamics, options and interest rate derivatives. The remaining portion of the course then combines all of the ideas from the two courses to formulate strategies of optimal portfolio growth and a general theory of investment evaluation. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using Matlab or R statistical software. Prerequisite: MATH 3100, STAT5265.

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STAT 5310  Clinical Trials Methodology

Studies experimental designs for randomized clinical trials, sources of bias in clinical studies, informed consent, logistics, and interim monitoring procedures (group sequential and Bayesian methods). Prerequisite: A basic statistics course (MATH 3120/5100) or instructor permission

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STAT 5330  Data Mining

This course introduces a plethora of methods in data mining through the statistical point of view. Topics include linear regression and classification, nonparametric smoothing, decision tree, support vector machine, cluster analysis and principal components analysis. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisites: Previous or concurrent enrollment in STAT5120 or STAT 6120.

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STAT 5340  Bootstrap and Other Resampling Methods

This course introduces the basic ideas of resampling methods, from jackknife and the classic bootstrap due to Efron to advanced bootstrap techniques such as the estimating function bootstrap and the Markov chain marginal bootstrap.

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STAT 5350  Applied Causal Inference

Introduces statistical methods used for causal inference, particularly for quasi-experimental data. Focus is on the potential outcomes framework as an organizing principle and examining the estimation of treatment effects under various assumptions. Topics include matching, instrumental variables, difference-in-difference, regression discontinuity, synthetic control, and sensitivity analysis. Examples come from various fields.

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STAT 5390  Exploratory Data Analysis

Introduces philosophy and methods of exploratory (vs confirmatory) data analysis: QQ plots; letter values; re-expression; median polish; robust regression/anova; smoothers; fitting discrete, skewed, long-tailed distributions; diagnostic plots; standardization. Emphasis on real data, computation (R), reports, presentations. Prerequisite: A previous statistics course; previous exposure to calculus and linear algebra recommended.

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STAT 5410  Introduction to Statistical Software

This course develops basic data skills in SAS and R, focusing on data-set management and the production of elementary statistics. Topics include data input, cleaning and reshaping data, producing basic statistics, and simple graphics. The student is prepared for the development of advanced data-analysis techniques in applied statistics courses.

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STAT 5430  Statistical Computing with SAS and R

Topics include importing data from various sources into R/SAS, manipulate and combine datasets, transform variables, “clean” data so that it is ready for further analysis, manipulate character strings, export datasets, and produce basic graphical and tabular summaries of data. More advanced topics will include how to write, de-bug, and tune functions and macros. Approximately equal time will be spent using SAS and R. Prerequisites: Introductory statistics course.

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STAT 5510  Contemporary Topics in Statistics

This course exposes students to new data types and emerging topics in statistical methodology and computation, emphasizing literacy and applied data-analysis. Topics vary by instructor.

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STAT 5630  Statistical Machine Learning

Introduces various topics in machine learning, including regression, classification, resampling methods, linear model selection and regularization, tree-based methods, support vector machines, and unsupervised learning. The statistical software R is incorporated throughout. Prerequisite: STAT5120, STAT 6120, or ECON 3720, and previous experience with R Prerequisite: STAT5120, STAT 6120, or ECON 3720, and previous experience with R

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STAT 5980  Applied Statistics Laboratory

This course, the laboratory component of the department’s applied statistics program, deals with the use of computer packages in data analysis. Enrollment in STAT 5980 is required for all students in the department’s 5000-level applied statistics courses (STAT 5010, 5120, 5130, 5140, 5160, 5170, 5200). STAT 5980 may be repeated for credit provided that a student is enrolled in at least one of these 5000-level applied courses; however, no more than one unit of STAT 5980 may be taken in any semester. Corequisite: 5000-level STAT applied statistics course.

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STAT 5993  Directed Reading

Research into current statistical problems under faculty supervision.

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STAT 5999  Topics in Statistics

Studies topics in statistics that are not part of the regular course offerings. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

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STAT 6020  Optimization and Monte Carlo Methods in Statistics and Machine Learning

This course is designed to give a graduate-level student a thorough grounding in a wide range of problems in statistics and machine learning that can be formulated as optimization or integration problems, and a broad comprehension of algorithms to solve these problems. The focus of the first 3/4 of the course will be on optimization methods (start from convex optimization, but also touch upon some nonconvex optimization methods widely used in statistics and machine learning, such as EM algorithm, variational inference). In the last 1/4 of the course, we will introduce some of the most important ideas of Monte Carlo methods. Important applications in machine learning and statistics will be discussed as motivating examples.

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STAT 6021  Linear Models for Data Science

An introduction to linear statistical models in the context of data science. Topics include simple and multiple linear regression, generalized linear models, time series, analysis of covariance, tree-based classification, and principal components. The primary software is R. Prerequisite: A previous statistics course, a previous linear algebra course, and permission of instructor

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STAT 6120  Linear Models

Course develops fundamental methodology to regression and linear-models analysis in general. Topics include model fitting and inference, partial and sequential testing, variable selection, transformations, diagnostics for influential observations, multicollinearity, and regression in nonstandard settings. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented withhands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Statistics, or instructor permission.

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STAT 6130  Applied Multivariate Statistics

This course develops fundamental methodology to the analysis of multivariate data. Topics include the multivariate normal distributions, multivariate regression, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), principal components analysis, factor analysis, and discriminant analysis. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied dataanalysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Statistics, or instructor permission.

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STAT 6160  Experimental Design

This course develops fundamental concepts and methodology in the design and analysis of experiments. Topics include analysis of variance, multiple comparison tests, randomized block designs, Latin square and related designs, factorial designs, split-plot and related designs, and analysis of covariance. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Statistics, or instructor permission.

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STAT 6190  Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

This course introduces fundamental concepts in probability that underlie statistical thinking and methodology. Topics include the probability framework, canonical probability distributions, transformations, expectation, moments and momentgenerating functions, parametric families, elementary inequalities, multivariate distributions, and convergence concepts for sequences of random variables. Prerequisite:Graduate standing in Statistics, or instructor permission.

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STAT 6250  Longitudinal Data Analysis

This course develops fundamental methodology to the analysis of longitudinal data. Topics include data structures, modeling the mean and covariance, estimation and inference with respect to the marginal models, linear mixed-effects models, and generalized linear mixed-effects models. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: STAT 6120 and graduate standing in Statistics.

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STAT 6260  Categorical Data Analysis

This course develops fundamental methodology to the analysis of categorical data. Topics include contingency tables, generalized linear models, logistic regression, and logit and loglinear models. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Statistics, or instructor permission.

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STAT 6430  Statistical Computing for Data Science

An introduction to statistical programming, including data manipulation and cleaning, importing and exporting data, managing missing values, data frames, functions, lists, matrices, writing functions, and the use of packages. Efficient programming practices and methods of summarizing and visualizing data are emphasized throughout. SAS and R are the primary computational tools. Prerequisite: A previous statistics course and permission of instructor.

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STAT 6440  Introduction to Bayesian Methods

Course provides an introduction to Bayesian methods with an emphasis on modeling and applications. Topics include the elicitation of prior distributions, deriving posterior and predictive distributions and their moments, Bayesian linear and generalized linear regression, and Bayesian hierarchical models. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: STAT 6120, STAT 6190, and graduate standing in Statistics.

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STAT 6510  Advanced Data Experience

This course develops skills in using data analysis to contribute to research. Each student completes a data-analysis project using data from an interdisciplinary research effort. Topics will vary, and are tailored to the objectives of the projects, and may include discussion of computationally intensive statistical methods that are commonly applied in research.

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STAT 6520  Statistical literature

This course develops skills in reading the statistical research literature and prepares the student for contributing to it. Each student completes a well written and properly formatted paper that would be suitable for publication. The paper reviews literature relevant to a specialized research area, and possibly suggests an original research problem. Topics will vary from term to term.

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STAT 7100  Introduction to Advanced Statistical Inference

This course introduces fundamental concepts in the classical theory of statistical inference. Topics include sufficiency and related statistical principles, elementary decision theory, point estimation, hypothesis testing, likelihood-ratio tests, interval estimation, large-sample analysis, and elementary modeling applications. Prerequisite: STAT 6190 and graduate standing in Statistics

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STAT 7120  Statistical Inference

A rigorous mathematical development of the principles of statistics. Covers point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, asymtotic theory, Bayesian statistics, and decision theory from a unified perspective. Prerequisite: STAT 7110 or instructor permission.

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STAT 7130  Generalized Linear Models

Course develops fundamental data-analysis methodology based on generalized linear models.Topics include the origins of generalized linear models, binary and polytomous data, probit analysis, logit models for proportions, log-linear models for counts, inverse polynomial models, quasi-likelihood models, & survival data models. Conceptual disc. is supplemented w/hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: STAT 6120, STAT 6190, and graduate standing in Statistics

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STAT 7150  Non-Parametric Statistical Analysis

Includes order statistics, distribution-free statistics, U-statistics, rank tests and estimates, asymtotic efficiency, Bahadur efficiency, M-estimates, one- and two-way layouts, multivariate location models, rank correlation, and linear models. Prerequisite: STAT5190 and one of STAT5120,5130,5140,5160,5170; or instructor permission.

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STAT 7180  Sample Surveys

This course develops fundamental methodology related to the main designs and estimation techniques used in sample surveys. Topics include simple random sampling, stratification, cluster sampling, double sampling, post-stratification, ratio estimation, and non-response and other non-sampling errors. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Statistics, or instructor permission.

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STAT 7200  Introduction to Advanced Probability

This course introduces fundamental concepts in probability from a measure-theoretic perspective. Topics include sigma fields, general measures, integration and expectation, the Radon-Nikodym derivative, product measure and conditioning, convergence concepts, and important limit theorems. The student is prepared for advanced study of statistical theory and stochastic processes. Prerequisite: STAT 6190 and graduate standing in Statistics

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STAT 7210  The Application of Probability to Statistical Modeling

This course covers important mathematical and probabilistic ideas used in statistical modeling. Topics include L2 estimation, stationarity in time series, spatial and time point processes, Brownian motion, and modeling with stochastic differential equations. Prerequisite: STAT 7200

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STAT 7220  Martingale Theory

An introduction to martingale theory and stochastic differential equations with applications to survival analysis and sequential clinical trials. Prerequisites: STAT 7200 or MATH 7360

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STAT 7510  Advanced Topics in Statistical Inference

This course covers advanced theory and methodology in statistical inference. It includes, but is not limited to, substantial, in-depth coverage of topics in asymptotic inference. Context and additional topics vary by instructor.

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STAT 7520  Advanced Topics in Probability

This course covers advanced theory and methodology in probability. It includes, but is not limited to, substantial, in-depth coverage of topics in stochastic processes. Context and additional topics vary by instructor. Prerequisite: STAT 7200

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STAT 7950  Statistical Bioinformatics in Medicine

Provides an introduction to bioinformatics and discusses important topics in computational biology in medicine, particularly based on modern statistical computing approaches. Reviews state-of-the-art high-throughput biotechnologies, their applications in medicine, and analysis techniques. Requires active student participation in various discussions on the current topics in biotechnology and bioinformatics.

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STAT 7995  Statistical Consulting

This course develops skills related to the practice of statistical consulting. It covers conceptual topics and provides experience with data analysis projects found in or resembling those in statistical practice. Conceptual discussion in lectures is supplemented with hands-on practice in applied data-analysis tasks using SAS or R statistical software. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Statistics

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STAT 8120  Topics in Statistics

Study of topics in statistics that are currently the subject of active research.

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STAT 8170  Advanced Time Series

Introduces stationary stochastic processes, related limit theorems, and spectral representations. Includes an asymtotic theory for estimation in both the time and frequency domains. Prerequisite: MATH 7360, STAT5170, or instructor permission.

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STAT 9120  Statistics Seminar

Advanced graduate seminar in current research topics. Offerings in each semester are determined by student and faculty research interests.

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STAT 9993  Directed Reading

Research into current statistical problems under faculty supervision.

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STAT 9998  Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Doctoral Research

For doctoral research, taken before a dissertation director has been selected.

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STAT 9999  Non-Topical Research

For doctoral research, taken under the supervision of a dissertation director.