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Enrollment FAQ

EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 6, 2023: Our minors (Statistics and Data Analytics) currently require an application to declare, and no minor declarations will be processed during advising hours at this time. Details regarding the application are available on the minor application information page.

Please note that the following are Statistics majors/minors:

  • BA in Applied Statistics (with any concentration); BS in Statistics
  • Minor in Data Analytics; Minor in Statistics


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I'm not a Statistics major/minor and would like to enroll in a course that has a major/minor hold.
Can an exception be made for me? -OR- Can the instructor give me ad hoc/special permission to enroll?

No. We don't make any exceptions to the major/minor restriction. The major/minor hold will lift on the Friday before classes begins (Friday, August 22 for Fall 2025 courses), at which point you can enroll or add yourself to the waitlist. 

Mathematics majors, please see the question regarding STAT 3120 below. 

Note: The major/minor hold will not be lifted from STAT 4800 (when offered) or STAT 4996.

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I'm planning to declare a Statistics major/minor and would like to take an elective that has a major/minor hold.
Can I enroll in that course before the major/minor hold is lifted?

Not unless you're able to declare the major or minor before the hold is lifted. To declare a major, you must have a grade for all declaration prerequisites. To declare a minor, please see the details on the minor application information page.

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What time will the major/minor hold be lifted on the Friday before classes begin?

The hold must be removed manually, so the specific time is unknown, though will likely be between 8am and 10am. Please note that this is different from previous semesters.

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I'm taking my last major declaration prerequisite this semester. 
Will I be able to declare and enroll in restricted courses before the major/minor hold is lifted?

Yes. We will hold advising hours during and just after finals and you can declare your major then. Once you declare, you will be able to enroll in or add yourself to any course with a hold.

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When will the advising hours during/after finals be held?

The schedule for these advising hours will be posted to our department website by the last day of classes (April 29).

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I'm currently taking a course that is a prerequisite for a course that I'd like to take next semester.
Do I satisfy this prerequisite now, even before I have a grade for my current course?

Yes. SIS recognizes "in-progress" courses when checking whether you have satisfied enrollment requirements.

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I'm taking a course during summer or J-Term that is a prerequisite for a course that I'd like to take next semester. 
Do I satisfy this prerequisite now, even before I take the course?

If you're taking the summer or J-Term course at UVA and you're already enrolled, yes, SIS will show the summer or J-Term course as "in-progress", which is recognized when the enrollment requirements are checked.

  • If you're taking a course in an earlier summer session that is a prerequisite for a course that you're taking in a later summer session, you will need permission to enroll in the second of these courses. Please contact the instructor of the second course.


If you're taking the summer or J-Term course at a different institution, no, you'll need to wait until the summer or J-Term course shows on your UVA transcript for the prerequisite to be satisfied. 

  • I'm taking the summer or J-Term course at a different institution, can an exception be made for me to enroll in the course for next semester now?

  • In most cases, no. If you are a rising third-year or fourth-year, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Programs, Prof. Gretchen Martinet (
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I'd like to take a course that lists a prior course in statistics as a prerequisite but have not yet taken one of the courses listed as a SIS Enrollment Requirement.
Can I use STAT 3110, MATH 3100, or APMA 3100 to satisfy the prerequisite instead?

No. Regardless of the course names, the course content of STAT 3110, MATH 3100, and APMA 3100 is fundamentally different than the courses listed in SIS that do satisfy this prerequisite.

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I'm a Mathematics major and STAT 3120 is a required course for my concentration. 
Can I enroll in that course before the major/minor hold is lifted?

Yes. The major/minor restriction used for STAT 3120 is slightly different and allows Mathematics majors to enroll. 

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When is my enrollment time? -OR- How do I find my enrollment time?

Your specific enrollment time should be visible to you in SIS. For any additional questions, please see the Registrar's enrollment page or contact the Registrar's Office.